"Deep down inside children are all the same. They want two loving parents and ... a neighborhood they can play in, they want teachers they can like. I don't think children themselves have changed that much, it's the world that has changed." -Beverly Cleary

Something I read in the advice column of the paper: "I've always believed that every woman is beautiful. Every woman. If I don't see the beauty in some woman, that's MY problem, not hers. It's up to me to work harder to see the beauty, and not up to her to make herself live up to whatever my standards might be." -D.

"We don't have to be fast; we simply have to be steady and move in the right direction. We have to do the best we can, one step after another." -Joseph B. Wirthlin

"We are all of us stars, and we deserve to twinkle." —Marilyn Monroe

A proverb I read in Readers Digest at my Grandma's house:
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again BUT... don't beat a dead horse."
Just a few gems that have come up in recent weeks that I felt like sharing. Each one in it's turn made me smile and think for a few minutes and hopefully one of them will at least get a smile out of you.