Thursday, March 26, 2009
Marriage, Rachel Style!

Friday, March 6, 2009
It's a Wonderful Life... Rachel

It's a sad day when you realize that you really don't fit into your friends life anymore. You're two different places doing two different things, you know different people, you spend your evenings and spare time different ways. Sure you have your memories of when you were together having one adventure after another each day... but then there's the day you spend together and you find that old memories are all you have. And the new times you spend together are spend reminiscing instead of creating new memories.
I had a best friend in 2nd grade through 7th grade. She lived across the street from me, and how's that for convenience??? We went to the same school, the same ward, her mom taugh me piano lessons, my mom did her hair, we played on the same soccer team one summer, and spent many nights sleeping over at each other's houses. It was easy for our lives to blend and I remember one night, a Saturday night, we had spent the night at either her house or mine (I forget which) and then had spent all of the following day together running around the neighborhood. Our mothers were standing on the front lawn at her house talking, and one or the other of us (I again forget which) mentioned something about how we had a question... they looked at us and as our mischevious grins grew wider, our mothers knew, as mothers often do, exactly what we were thinking. No, we didn't get to spend the night at either her house or mine again, but it was a nice idea! Once I moved to Billings, we wrote letters on occasion and it was a nice surprise in the mailbox. We kept loosely in touch and I was a bridesmaid at her wedding even! I was happy to do it. She married her high school sweetheart (they went to Prom together!), they have four kids, and will soon have a 5th. She's happy, and I am extremely happy for her! I can't relate to a lot of what goes on in her life, although I'm always happy to hear about it. But I don't really fit in it anymore. And I guess that's ok.
Most of my other friendships have had similar patterns. One or the other of us moves away, and then I'm left with memories instead of new experiences. We talk about the times when we were together and occasionally about what we're doing now. But it's reminiscing that brings me the biggest smiles. There are fewer adventures driving from the North Side to the South Hill to put lacey panties in someone's glove box and more dinners to catch up. Fewer nights running through the sprinklers at the bank downtown and more meeting for brunch before I have to head back out of town. Fewer midnight movies and more texts to make sure the other person is still alive. I suppose that's natural progression, but it makes me sad. I miss the trips to the outlet malls to Harry & David's and that kid clothes store, I miss late night walks around the block just talking and being sung to about the moon "between my eyes," I miss watching weird movies that NO ONE likes but us, and I miss laughing inappropriately at the hardware store and making jokes about shopping for tools.
Apparently I'm a little lonely. It's not to say I'm not happy, because I am. I haven't had the easiest life, but I'm grateful things are the way they are. I have a nice home, two kitties that love me even if they hate everyone else, a decent job that pays me well, Spring is trying to sprung, an amazing family, and good friends that DO keep in touch. It's nice to feel happy and satisfied with the way things are... but I want more. So, I'm going to quit blogging, take a shower, and go DO something. There are a few art shows in town I want to see... and a knitting party to look forward to tomorrow.
Rachel and Jesse

Things Currently Making Me Happy
- All the warm snuggly quilts Grandma made me
- I have bangs again!
- Jesse. He's just the best husband!!
- Little secrets I get to keep
- Sunshine
Things Currently Annoying Me
- Dealing with a stubborn 4-year-old
- I miss my family
- Less time to spend with my husband and more time to be alone
- Trying (unsuccessfully) to make friends with someone in my ward...
- Will it ever be warm again?