Part of my distaste may have recently stemmed from my water heaters seeming inability to sustain hot water usage for longer than 15 minutes or so. I haven't timed myself, and suddenly feel as though I must get conclusive evidence. Time myself today, I WILL. (sorry, I've been watching a lot of Star Wars: The Clone Wars on Cartoon Network and often sounding like Yoda I find myself) Because as I think about it, it might be only 20 minutes...
My old hobbit hole in the dungeons of my Idaho Falls apartment had a great water heater. I probably could have stayed in the shower indefinitely and kept warm for years. The water was HOT HOT HOT and seemingly never ran out. I used to love showering. Then. But it's now 12 o'clock in the afternoon, and I don't want to get in the shower at all. I would rather pull my dirty hair back in a ponytail, spritz myself with a little body spray, and head off to work. Unwashed, but not smelly at least. Or if I am people are too polite to say so.
I'll say it: I'm Rachel. I'm disgusting. I don't shower then try to hide it with flowery body spray from Victoria's Secret. I pull my hair back and a greasy ponytail and occasionally wet my bangs to they at least don't look as bad.
There. The secret is out. I guess my complaint now is that it takes time out of my precious sleeping in time, or afternoon nap time, or other times when I'd rather be snoozing. Lethargy has taken hold, but I hope to escape its tantalizing and sweet temptation as soon as the weather gets nicer. The sun is out and it makes me feel like moving instead of laying around like a sad little slug... One might say that my power is drawn from the heat and the sunshine, much like that weird gold guy in one of the old Superman movies. I am the weird gold guy.
And now I'm off to shower, which I loathe at present. I have to because otherwise I'd be starting in on 3rd day hair, which as we all should know, is completely unpleasant for all. And as I listen to the wind blow, my smoking neighbor coughing up a lung and possibly a kidney, and the birds chirping happily in the trees I am reminded that spring and summer are soon upon us all, as is my desire to get up and be productive again.
And for heaven's sake cough it up already. Seriously they sound like they've downed an entire bottle of expectorant and still haven't coughed it up yet. We're going on about five solid minutes now. I may call an ambulance. And wouldn't they just love to see my dirty hair?