The first night after the drive is always just crash and sleep night. Everyone got situated and comfortable and we just chit chatted a bit. Amber made a delcious dinner (these rolls with a chicken filling; I ate four of them) and we crapped out on the couch. The next day we slept in, had a little breakfast then did a little shopping before we had to put the youngling down for his nappy nap. The afternoon was spent enjoying a movie and playing this weird surgery game on my brothers Wii. It's almost worth buying a Wii just for that game. It's weird and interesting, and more than a little bit tricky. Most of the time I was just a B grade surgeon, but on occasion I would get an A. Very fun.
That night was Christopher's graduation. He got his associates degree in programming, and thankfully the ceremony was pretty short. Graduations are boring as a rule, but his wasn't as bad as expected. And the speaker was interesting for a change. One of the administrators of the school quoted Yoda, and I remember laughing and thinking how perfect that was for Chris's graduation! Of COURSE it would involve Star Wars in some way or another... ha ha ha! I took some fun pictures, and Amber was just about bursting with pride in her husband. Poor Jesse had to run Cole to the back because he got a little restless as 2-year-old boys occasionally are wont to do. It flew by and in no time we were in the lobby, forcing Chris to pose for pictures, and then back to the apartment to change and go to dinner.
That night was Christopher's graduation. He got his associates degree in programming, and thankfully the ceremony was pretty short. Graduations are boring as a rule, but his wasn't as bad as expected. And the speaker was interesting for a change. One of the administrators of the school quoted Yoda, and I remember laughing and thinking how perfect that was for Chris's graduation! Of COURSE it would involve Star Wars in some way or another... ha ha ha! I took some fun pictures, and Amber was just about bursting with pride in her husband. Poor Jesse had to run Cole to the back because he got a little restless as 2-year-old boys occasionally are wont to do. It flew by and in no time we were in the lobby, forcing Chris to pose for pictures, and then back to the apartment to change and go to dinner.
Dinner was Ribs for everyone but wimpy Jesse (who ended up finishing mine so maybe it was ME who was the wimpy one) and we had SUCH a good time! We'd planned to go do a little after graduation bowling, but had a tired little boy and a tired Amber. So we just went back and relaxed before going to bed.
The next day, we went out for breakfast, shopped, and then went to the pool. By the time we got there it was nice and shady, so no chance of sunburn. Yay! It was full of people, but not too crowded. The temperature was just cool enough to really cool you off in the 100 degree heat. Last time the pool was almost as warm as it was outside... so this was a nice change. Cole enjoyed the pool and got a little manic. In trying to teach him how to jump in, he learned to belly flop, and wouldn't keep his mouth closed and swallowed about half the pool. Just kept hoping he wouldn't drown! LOL The pool was great fun, and helped work up an appetite for Buffalo Wild Wings. Now for those of you who like wings and want to try out about 100 flavors, GO THERE. They are FAN-tastic. MMMMMmmmmmm!
That night we walked the strip a little bit, because Jesse had never been. It wasn't terribly exciting, but fun, and there's something about all those lights... gotta love them. We rode the monorail back to the hotel we parked at, which was fun, and even went to the Lion enclosure at MGM. I didn't even realize they had one. It was a fun night, but everyone was so tired! Must have been something in the wings I guess.
It was a good trip, and nice for some of my family to meet my boyfriend. Always a little daunting, but overall it went well. The trip back was looooooooooooooong, and made longer when we missed the turnoff to Pocatello and ended up going towards Boise instead... but it was an adventure. And we made it home safe and sound. I really enjoy traveling when I can, but I also am glad to not have to go anywhere for a while. I'm just settled in my little apartment with all my things, enjoying a lazy Sunday afternoon after Stake Conference. Was a little boring as far as Conferences go, but that happens sometimes. Just good to be there. And now it's good to nappy nap and enjoy a Disney Movie Sunday! Woot!!!