It's not just Star Wars, either. It used to be when Star Trek was consistently on TV that at family functions you were embarassed to not keep up on the latest episode of The Next Generation (who DOESN'T love Captain Jean Luc Picard, honestly?) or Voyager (hell-O first female captain!). It was frequently the topic of conversation, as was whether or not it could actually be done someday. I don't think there's anyone in my family who can't do the Vulcan Salute, either. I've been able to do it since I was a child. Kind of fun. I remember the debate on why Enterprise was created, and the discussion I had with my dad about how on the other shows the rules and regulations of the Federation had limited the captains and what they could do without getting in trouble. So with Enterprise, things were still new and they hadn't come up with all the rules, thus giving the writers more freedom to play with their characters. I definitely agree... But it was a little hard for me to think of Scott Bakula as anything other than Dr. Samuel Beckett on Quantum Leap.
Speaking of which, I've seen nearly every episode of that show as well, thanks to my sister. It's a good show, with a fun premise. But what I liked best about it was that it made me feel good to see someone working so hard to make things right in the world. Kinda nice. And Scott Bakula was pretty easy on the eyes back in the day, too.
There have been new shows, of course. Battlestar Galactica, Babylon 5, and the like. I remember the original Battlestar Galactica, but the new on is MUCH better and less cheesy. And then I also remember Buck Rogers... and Duck Rogers of the 24th and a half Century on Looney Tunes as a result. Funny to think of.
Side note: I miss watching Looney Tunes on Saturday mornings. Used to watch them with my brother and sister and my dad. Nothing like the classics. Yay Pepe Le Pew!
Anywho, Star Wars is calling to me, and it's partly the fault of the new one, The Clone Wars. I'm excited to see it! I never did get into the Clone Wars cartoon that was on cartoon network, but something about the movie has caught my interest. Perhaps I'll be going to see it when I go to visit my brother again next month, although I'd bet all that I have he'll have seen it by then. Can't keep my brother away. Ha ha ha. Although I'm pretty sure I COULD beat him in a light saber duel...