Yay replacement phone! For those of you tuning in regularly, you'll know that I've recently had some issues with my beloved cell phone. Losing it, having the touch pad go out, etc. Trauma trauma trauma. That's all I'm saying by way of recap. Quick update I got my new replacement phone in the mail, activated it, and am getting the ringtones I had to redownload credited back to my account. All is well in cell phone ville, thank goodness. Verizon came through regally and I thank them for it. In other news, I don't really have much. Work has been going downhill, but that's always redeemable. One Good Day washes away a week of horrible days. Just would be nice to have that One Good Day soon! I won't hold my breath, but will continue to wildly and desperately hope against hope against hope!
That is the one complaint I really have about my job. I have very little control over whether or not I have a good sales day or not. I don't care what the managers and trainers say. You can't make people buy things, especially when they have to feed their cars expensive gas. Therein lies the problem lately, I think. Granted everyone still NEEDS their internet service, etc. But what I'm getting is a LOT more shopping around. Which is smart, but I wish people wouldn't call me to ask about prices that they have printed on a sheet of paper in front of them. It then becomes my job to say, "yup, that's what it says doesn't it?" And honestly I do have better things to do.
I know it's my job to help people and give them both the information and service they need, but is it so much to ask that people actually buy new services from me each and everytime they call? Really??? Well... kind of is. But in a perfect world - or I should say, in MY perfect world. Ha ha ha. Anyway, it just frustrates me to work in a Sales Center, and yet have the bulk of my calls be transfers to repair, dsl tech support, and the credit management center so they can make payment arrangements. I didn't sign on to be an operator who transfers calls all day. Maybe if the automated system isn't working right they need to hire operators who can transfer the calls to the correct departments all the time. Then I'll get sales calls, repair will get repair calls, tech support will get tech support calls, and we'll all have a fry.
Part of the problem is cranky and impatient customers who are so eager to get to a person that they don't care who or what answers the phone as long as it's a human being. I can understand their frustration with the VRU because it can be annoying, but it's there for a reason. And if they were to slow down for a moment and take the time to answer the computer answering and routing their calls, they would go where they needed to go, and wouldn't have to go through me. They wouldn't waste my time, and wouldn't waste their own! Wow! Isn't that neat?
You may wonder why it annoys me so much. Well, they take my net sales revenue for the month and divide it up amongst the number of calls that I take during that month to get a gross revenue per call or GRPC. They do not remove from my GRPC the calls that are meant for tech support, or the business department, or even the calls that occasionally roll in that have no one on the other end. I get dinged for every call I get, regardless of sales opportunity or even if they have a person on the other end. And I must meet a certain level of GRPC in order to keep my job every month. Hence why I find it frustrating when a person says, "new customer" when they are in fact NOT a new customer and merely want repair, tech support, or to review their bill which they haven't read or sometimes even recieved yet.
Triple SIGH!
Can you tell that it frustrates me? I can understand the need for sales metrics, but given the call mix and the fact that there are many accounts that I can't even offer new services to, there's some serious tweaking that needs to go on in the system. Either by the way they measure our work performance, or by the way they route calls. And virtual slaps to everyone who's ever said "new customer" OR "transfer service" when they mean technical support or repair!!!
Take that!!!