As my special someone had to work at his 2nd job this evening, I was sitting at my apartment (pre-moving to The Basement) at the computer earlier this evening, when boredom struck. Fortunately amongst my friends I can always find someone around who is willing to go out and do something. A quick IM later and I found myself driving to the old part of town for a walk with a friend. Where typically I'm home in the evenings IMing and talking to my boyfriend on the phone, this evening I was out and about getting some exercise. Probably good. It was a nice night, and nice to be out in the fresh air.
We walked around several neighborhoods, and even peeked in the windows of the house I love so much. Someone is lovingly redoing the house, and it looks great. I'm more deeply in love with it everyday! We also tried to see what someone was watching on TV, but the blinds weren't up far enough to really tell.
Halfway through the walk, we decided that a quick stop at the convenience store was in order. I needed to use the facilities, and so did he. It was small, and the restroom was in the back corner. Just looking at the door made one shudder. I hesitantly opened the door and went in. It was dingy, but fairly clean. And by clean I mean dingy. Careful to wash my hand and using a paper towel, I wrenched open the door and scurried out as quick as I could. Thank goodness for soap and water... although I don't know that it did a whole heck of a lot. My hands haven't felt clean since leaving. Brings to mind that episode where that now crazy ex-teen queen went into a convenience store bathroom barefoot... ICK.
I feel like showering and washing just thinking about it.
We resumed our walk with an energy drink and bottled water in hand... but I couldn't shake off the germs of that convenience store. I'm afraid it marred the experience a bit. Just ICK. That's all I can say. Only slightly up on finding some bushes... but it had to be done. Otherwise the rest of the walk would have been rather uncomfortable. And no one likes to walk like that. I'm just glad I have antibacterial soap at home. And it smells nice, too.
It was a great walk and I'm glad I found something to do. But that episode at the convenience store did make me miss spending the night chatting on the IM in the safety and cleanliness of my own home... and now I need to go have a hot shower.